Juphoon launched its website for Open IPPhone Dev

posted on 12 Dec 2009

The Juphoon Open IPPhone Dev website is aimed at web developers. The website provides resources for IP Phones and related telephony to minimize the work in developing IP phones, including SIP softphone and SIP hardware phones.

Using the IP PhoneDev, you can develop your own SIP softphone, including enriched IM and unified communication, which you could either share or commercialize. It is not necessary for you to buy the service. In addition, you do not need to pay any fee to commercialize an IP softphone that you develop yourself.

Similarly, IPPhoneDev is free for research and development on SIP hardware phones. Since it is based on Windows it is quite compatible and able to run on targeted hardware equipment. However, we do charge a fee if customers manufacture and sell hardware phones. Because the development boards and hardware design are based on the ADI Blackfin platform, customers need to buy the software development board to run embedded software.

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